30 Day Risk-Free Trial
Pour a glass today and save the rest of the bottle for next week, next month, or next year with Coravin Timeless Wine Preservation Systems.
30 Day Risk-Free Trial
One-Year Warranty
Free Shipping over A$175
Drink a glass of red wine, while your companion drinks white. Pair your wine with your dinner courses rather than limiting to the same bottle. Without the pressure to finish a bottle or waste it, you have the freedom to choose the wines you want without compromise.
Explore any bottle, anytime. Have one glass today and another in a week, a month, or even years. Your last glass will taste just as amazing as your first.
“I’ll drink whatever is open” is a thing of the past. With Coravin, you can drink or serve the wine you want—not just the wines you have open.
Each Capsule will allow you to pour up to 15 five-ounce (150ml) glasses of wine with Timeless Systems or 20 five-ounce glasses with Pivot™ Systems.
On average, a 5-ounce (150ml) pour of wine with a Standard Needle will take 25 to 29 seconds.
The Needle in the Coravin System is intentionally off-center, so the Needle will insert into the cork in a different place every time.
The beautiful thing about Coravin is that it allows us to leverage discussions with guests and open them up to new experiences.
At times when my wife and I want to only have one glass of a special wine, this contraption is what we use at home to preserve the rest of the bottle. It is reliable, perfect for people who care about wine and wish to enjoy a glass from an exceptional bottle. I like it very much.
Going to someone’s home should be like going to a bar: there should be different flavors and different textures and different price points of all the wines lined up in your cellar, on your counter, in your wine fridge.